We have lots of logging roads in the Powell River backcountry to ride. But when they are deactivated and age, recreational users refurbish them into quad and hiking trails. Here are a few from rides we've taken over the years.
Culvert on a spur leading to a Olsen Valley homestead foundation. |
Corduroy road section on upper Powell Daniels Main. |
End of the easily passable section of upper Beartooth Main. |
Bridge protecting a fish bearing stream on Fred's Trail to West (Hammil) Lake. |
Crossing a section of regrowth along the Lois River north of Khartoum Lake. |
Path over a log jumble on a road in an old slash above Chippewa Bay. |
Washout on Jim Brown Main at the Head of Powell Lake. |
If you try to find these quad trails don't be surprised if they've washed out or grown over. Mother Nature reclaims her territory at a very rapid rate. Trails remain open only through ongoing trail maintenance by groups such as the
Wednesday Crew of quad riders and the
BOMB (Bloody Old Men's Brigade) Squad group of hikers and ATV owners. Thank you to all of the individuals and groups who maintain our backcountry trails. Through your efforts we all can explore the best that Powell River has to offer.
Want to know more about quad riding in the Powell River Region? Check out these resources.
ATV Category on the Powell River Books Blog
Powell River ATV Club Contacts
Powell River ATV Club Video
Every Trail online
Up the Main in print or e-book
Farther Up the Main in print or e-book
Beyond the Main in print or e-book
Do you have any trails to share? Let us know. -- Margy
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